1. nsyllable::data_syllables_en
    Syllable counts of English words
  2. quanteda::data_char_sampletext
    A paragraph of text for testing various text-based functions
  3. quanteda::data_char_ukimmig2010
    Immigration-related sections of 2010 UK party manifestos
  4. quanteda::data_corpus_inaugural
    US presidential inaugural address texts
  5. quanteda::data_dfm_lbgexample
    dfm from data in Table 1 of Laver, Benoit, and Garry (2003)
  6. quanteda::data_dictionary_LSD2015
    Lexicoder Sentiment Dictionary (2015)
  7. quanteda.textmodels::data_corpus_EPcoaldebate
    Crowd-labelled sentence corpus from a 2010 EP debate on coal subsidies
  8. quanteda.textmodels::data_corpus_dailnoconf1991
    Confidence debate from 1991 Irish Parliament
  9. quanteda.textmodels::data_corpus_irishbudget2010
    Irish budget speeches from 2010
  10. quanteda.textmodels::data_corpus_moviereviews
    Movie reviews with polarity from Pang and Lee (2004)
  11. quanteda.textstats::data_char_wordlists
    Word lists for readability statistics
  12. readtext::data_char_encodedtexts
    encoded texts for testing
  13. spacyr::data_char_paragraph
    A short paragraph of text for testing
  14. spacyr::data_char_sentences
    Sample short documents for testing
  15. stopwords::data_stopwords_ancient
    stopword lists for ancient languages
  16. stopwords::data_stopwords_marimo
    stopword lists including parts-of-speech
  17. stopwords::data_stopwords_misc
    miscellaneous stopword lists
  18. stopwords::data_stopwords_nltk
    stopword lists from the Python NLTK library
  19. stopwords::data_stopwords_perseus
    stopword lists for ancient languages - Perseus Digital Library
  20. stopwords::data_stopwords_smart
    stopword lists from the SMART system
  21. stopwords::data_stopwords_snowball
    snowball stopword list
  22. stopwords::data_stopwords_stopwordsiso
    multilingual stopwords from https://github.com/stopwords-iso/stopwords-iso